Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester


The Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester is the local arts agency for the Rochester, New York metropolitan region. It is our mission to develop, promote and strengthen the cultural industry for the benefit of the people of the Rochester region. The Arts Council directly serves the cultural community—- artists and cultural organizations— as well as the community at large. View our Cultural Development Plan.

Regional Events Calendar

Be sure to check out our regional events calendar. It's filled with exhibitions, performances, openings, family-friendly activities and cultural happenings. You can find an event by date or search by interest. What are you doing just sitting there, when you can be experiencing some of the best that Rochester has to offer?! The Regional Events Calendar is generously funded by Rochester Area Community Foundation.

RMSC 657 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14607

Details on this year's gala are coming soon! In the meantime, save the date (September 13, 2019) and get excited for what's in store. Check back for more details in the next few weeks at Support for Innovation Celebration will help the RMSC continue to serve as our community’s multifaceted resource for engaging informal STEM learning, subsidize admission and transportation costs for underserved groups and provide unforgettable programming and experiences that encourage community members of all ages to shoot for the stars. For general information or to purchase tickets, contact Lisa Ireland at To better serve you, the Arts and Cultural Council for Greater Rochester will be closed from Friday 8/1/2025 to Monday August 12, 2019 to allow equipment and computer upgrades. Thank you for your patience during this period.

New Website Launch

We're updating our website to bring you the best and latest information on Arts & Culture in Rochester Thanks for your unwavering support and please visit our website for future updates.
You can visit the sites of our partners: local cam boys gay chat rooms Special thanks to the council's Lyons Society for their unwavering support of the arts. Our new magazine, Metropolitan, offers a look at the amazing individuals and organizations that make greater Rochester a great place to live and visit. Look for it on news stands now! For more information about this free publication, click here: best gay porn sites. Advertising opportunities are also available.